Garage Doors

Looking for a way to improve the resale value of your home? It could be as simple as enhancing the inside and outside appearance of your garage. Not sure why that is the case, or how to go about doing it? Let’s explore the topic.
Have you decided it is time to build a garage? Maybe you are in the midst of planning a new home construction and you are unsure whether to make it an attached or detached garage?
Keeping your garage door in good working order is something that you can do, in part, by yourself. Luckily, it’s not that hard to perform a few basic maintenance chores that take about 10 to 15 minutes of your time. We recommend adopting these four checks every three months, or once per season, to ensure that your entire garage door system is in good working order.
None of us ever thinks, “Gee, I really want my garage to be a cluttered mess that serves very little function.” Yet, it might be exactly what we think or feel as we look at the clutter, the mess, or the chaos inside.
Whether you have just wound up a garage renovation project, or you are eager to improve the space, you are probably considering insulation. Most property owners insulate the ceilings and walls to make their garage more comfortable. However, the garage door is non-insulated and you may wonder if you should add some to increase efficiency. Let’s consider that issue…
Garages have become one of those underused spaces limited to parking the car, working on vehicles or serving as a hold all for extra items. Have you ever thought of turning it into a workshop…a scrapbooking workshop?
Whether you are updating your home garage or even building a new garage, you have to make a lot of design decisions. Should your space feature a lot of overhead room above the door, you may hesitate to use a traditional opener.
As garage door specialists since 1972, we have proudly served Kingston, Belleville and the surrounding areas. We provide our customers with prompt, professional service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Let Jim Carrey explain to you how he does it every day in this video.
Garage doors are designed to last a long time, but certainly not forever. This is what probably led you here – you are looking for information about choosing the ideal, new garage door. By now, you know that there are many types available, all kinds of options and more. You might already feel overwhelmed by it all, so we are here to provide four key factors to consider when selecting your new garage door.
Recently, your teenage son has informed you that he has started a rock band. Being the phenomenal parent that you are, you do your best to encourage him. Then you find out that he has decided your garage would make the perfect place to practice. After all, where else can they fit their instruments and speakers?

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