
Whether you are updating your home garage or even building a new garage, you have to make a lot of design decisions. Should your space feature a lot of overhead room above the door, you may hesitate to use a traditional opener.
As garage door specialists since 1972, we have proudly served Kingston, Belleville and the surrounding areas. We provide our customers with prompt, professional service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Let Jim Carrey explain to you how he does it every day in this video.
Garage doors are designed to last a long time, but certainly not forever. This is what probably led you here – you are looking for information about choosing the ideal, new garage door. By now, you know that there are many types available, all kinds of options and more. You might already feel overwhelmed by it all, so we are here to provide four key factors to consider when selecting your new garage door.
Recently, your teenage son has informed you that he has started a rock band. Being the phenomenal parent that you are, you do your best to encourage him. Then you find out that he has decided your garage would make the perfect place to practice. After all, where else can they fit their instruments and speakers?
One of the easiest ways to give your home a facelift, not to mention add value to the property, is to replace the old garage door system. Here are a few excellent reasons to consider getting rid of your old door pronto:
While it might not seem like it at first blush, your home’s garage door is a very important component. It’s part of the overall exterior design, and is also the single largest piece of moving equipment in your home.
Maybe you slept through your alarm and got off to a bad start. You’re rushing to get the kids up and get them out the door. It’s one thing after another, and you can already tell it’s going to be one of those days.
Most people think of garage doors solely in the functional sense. If it opens and closes on demand, then all is well with the world. However, when you consider that the garage door is the largest visual of most homes, it makes sense to make them stand out. This is particularly true if curb appeal is important to you – and it should be if you plan to sell your home one day! Buyers often do drive-by inspections before they make an appointment to see the inside. Add some exciting new garage doors to your home to increase the interest in your home by more than 100%. More interest means a higher sales price which could easily cover more than the cost of installing stylish new garage doors.
Does your pet get separation anxiety when you leave the house? Do they tend to ruin furniture or floors while you are away? Keeping them in the garage may be the perfect solution for protecting your pet’s health and your furniture!
You really should look at your garage as an extension of your home. There are so many uses for that space, but many homeowners underutilize it immensely. This is often because the area is either too hot or to cold to fit the homeowner’s liking. If that is how you feel, the issue is likely related to the lack of insulation in your garage door.

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